Building Strong Families: Positive Co-Parenting Dynamics | S3:EP4

Divorce or separation can be tumultuous, especially when children are involved. The repercussions often extend far beyond the couple, impacting the children and future generations. However, amidst the challenges, there lies an opportunity for healthy co-parenting—a concept explored in depth by Jay Daughtry, co-founder of Co-Parenting International, in a recent podcast episode.

The genesis of co-parenting international:

In the podcast, Jay Daughtry, alongside his wife Tammy, shared invaluable insights into the realm of healthy co-parenting. Here's a summary of the key takeaways:

Co-Parenting International was established in 2003 by Jay and Tammy with a mission to support children and families navigating the complexities of divorce and remarriage. Through resources and training, they aim to equip parents with the tools necessary for effective co-parenting.

Breaking the cycle of divorce across generations:

Central to their discussion is the significance of healthy co-parenting in breaking the cycle of divorce that often permeates across generations. Secure attachment, clear boundaries, and modeling healthy conflict resolution are highlighted as essential components in fostering a nurturing co-parenting environment

Understanding the impact on children:

Acknowledging how parental actions profoundly affect children, Jay emphasizes the importance of parents understanding their influence and compartmentalizing personal pain. Effective communication and consistency emerge as pivotal factors in maintaining stability and support for children amidst the changes.

Recognizing unhealthy relationship dynamics:

Jay introduces practical tools such as the power/control wheel and equality wheel, which aid individuals in recognizing and addressing unhealthy relationship patterns. By fostering awareness, individuals can strive towards healthier, more equitable relationships.

Scaling up to co-parenting training (Conclusion):

Looking towards the future, Jay and Tammy aspire to expand their reach through a co-parenting strategist certification program. By empowering more parents and professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge, they seek to catalyze a shift towards healthier relationships and ultimately break the cycle of divorce.

Navigating co-parenting waters post-divorce or separation requires intentionality, empathy, and a commitment to prioritizing the well-being of children. Through initiatives like Co-Parenting International and the insights shared by Jay Daughtry, parents and professionals alike are equipped with the tools to foster environments conducive to growth and resilience.

As we embrace the principles of healthy co-parenting, we not only transform the lives of our children but pave the way for a future defined by strengthened familial bonds and empowered relationships. Let us embark on this journey of co-parenting with compassion, understanding, and a shared commitment to nurturing the generations to come.

Remember, the journey of co-parenting is not without its challenges, but with dedication and support, we can navigate these waters with grace and resilience.

How to Talk about Elderly Care with Family Members : Robert Miller of Wichita State University and Care Pitch Founder | S3: EP3

In our latest podcast episode, we had the privilege of sitting down with Robert Miller, a seasoned professional in elder care and dementia care facilities, who now shares his wealth of experience as a professor specializing in aging. Join us as we unravel the complexities of aging, explore the challenges families face during the holiday season, and discover the importance of early planning for the future.


A Journey from care facilities to the classroom:

Our conversation with Robert kicked off by delving into his fascinating journey – from the dynamic world of elder care facilities to the nurturing environment of the classroom. As a professor, he brings a unique perspective to aging, sharing insights gained from years of hands-on experience. His journey serves as a beacon for those navigating the intricate landscape of caring for seniors.

Unmasking challenges: holidays and aging parents:

The holiday season, known for its joy and togetherness, can also reveal the struggles that aging parents may be facing. Robert highlighted how these festive reunions may expose subtle signs of difficulty, as short visits often only capture glimpses of a parent's life. Our podcast explores the importance of staying vigilant and initiating open conversations about our loved ones' well-being during these special occasions.

early conversations: the foundation for preparedness:

One of the key takeaways from our conversation is the emphasis on initiating early discussions about care planning, finances, and future needs. Robert stresses the significance of addressing these topics in advance to alleviate stress and prevent families from making hasty decisions during emotionally charged times. By fostering open communication, families can gain a deeper understanding of their aging relatives' desires and preferences, fostering a smoother transition as needs evolve.

Tools for preparedness: advance directives and long-term care insurance:

Our podcast dives into practical tools that can ease the burden of aging care. Robert sheds light on the importance of utilizing tools such as advance directives and long-term care insurance policies. These tools not only help mitigate costs but also ensure that the wishes of our loved ones are honored, especially in situations where they may become incapacitated.


In conclusion, Robert Miller's journey from elder care facilities to education offers a unique perspective on aging. The holiday season, as discussed, can be an eye-opener to the challenges our loved ones may face. The key takeaway is the importance of early, open conversations about care planning, finances, and future needs. Practical tools like advance directives and long-term care insurance provide proactive solutions. Robert's insights serve as a guide for navigating the complexities of aging with foresight and compassion. Stay tuned for more discussions on crucial topics in caregiving and aging.

Unlocking Relationship Prosperity: Navigating Love and Finances with Shaunti Feldhahn | S3:EP2

Welcome to another enriching installment of Real Wealth Podcast, proudly presented by Leading Edge Financial Planning. I'm your host, Mike Proctor, and today, we embark on a captivating exploration of the delicate intersection between relationships and finances. Joining us is the esteemed Shaunti Feldhahn, a Harvard graduate and co-author of the groundbreaking book, "Thriving in Love and Money."


Meet Our Distinguished Guest:

Shaunti and her husband Jeff bring over 13 years of dedicated research in behavioral finance to our conversation. Their insights, backed by Thrivent Financial, provide a unique perspective on how couples can fortify their relationships by understanding and navigating the intricacies of financial discussions.


Unraveling Complex Dynamics:

In this episode, Shaunti unveils the intricate dynamics that financial discussions often bring to the forefront of relationships. Rather than focusing on currency itself, we explore why money becomes a catalyst for unresolved issues within couples, laying bare deeper emotions, expectations, and fears.


Understanding Unique Perspectives:

Shaunti emphasizes the importance of understanding your partner's perspective, recognizing that individuals attach distinct values to money. Her expertise seamlessly bridges the realms of therapy and finance, offering a distinctive and impactful approach to cultivating healthier conversations around money.


Wisdom from a 22-Year Marriage:

With 22 years of marriage, Shaunti and Jeff bring a wealth of wisdom to the table. Discover why their book transcends typical financial advice, addressing core issues that impact relationships. Explore the practical tools and assessments discussed in their book, providing couples with guidance to not only understand each other but also to foster stronger connections around money.


Exploring the Profound Connection

Journey with us as we delve into why Jesus spoke extensively about money. Shaunti unravels the profound connection between where our treasure lies and how it shapes the course of our hearts in relationships—whether towards unity or separation.


A Must-Listen for Every Couple

If you've ever faced challenges in effectively communicating about money with your partner, this episode is a must-listen. Tune in now and discover how to not only survive but thrive in both love and money with Shaunti Feldhahn on Real Wealth Podcast.



Embark on this enriching exploration of the intricate relationship between love and money. Shaunti Feldhahn's expertise and experiences provide valuable insights and practical guidance for couples looking to navigate the complexities of financial discussions. Don't miss out on the tools and wisdom shared in this episode—empower your relationship and financial journey today! Subscribe now for more enriching content from Real Wealth Podcast and Leading Edge Financial Planning.

Navigating Growth and Empathy: Insights from Dr. Roy Smith on Real Wealth Podcast S3: EP 1

In the latest episode of the Real Wealth Podcast, Dr. Roy Smith, a seasoned therapist specializing in family businesses, dives into his rich experience working with clients and navigating the complexities of personal and familial growth. This blog encapsulates the profound wisdom shared by Dr. Smith, emphasizing the transformative power of acknowledging and addressing one's past, nurturing empathy, and embracing challenges as opportunities for personal development.


Facing Family History:

Dr. Smith opens up about his upbringing in a dysfunctional family, a journey that ultimately shaped his path toward becoming a therapist. He stresses the significance of recognizing the emotional history of previous generations when working with families, highlighting the impact it can have on both personal and professional aspects of life.

Spiritual Connection and Empathy:

A central theme in Dr. Smith's approach is the spiritual connection and understanding that underpins his work. He advocates for a holistic approach to personal growth, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging one's own struggles and taking responsibility for one's "lostness." By connecting with oneself on a deeper level, individuals can then extend that understanding to others, fostering genuine empathy.

Balancing Individualization and Family Structure:

Dr. Smith encourages a balance between individualization and remaining integral to the family and business structure. He emphasizes the importance of allowing the next generation the freedom to carve their own paths while maintaining a sense of unity within the family and business dynamics.

Transforming Setback into Opportunities:

Challenges and setbacks, according to Dr. Smith, are not obstacles to be avoided but growth opportunities. By facing struggles head-on and reframing failures as catalysts for personal development, individuals can harness the transformative power inherent in adversity.

Spiritual Prosperity in Comfort and Discomfort:

Dr. Smith sheds light on the role of both comfort and discomfort in spiritual development. He asserts that God uses these contrasting experiences to create environments conducive to growth, underlining the interconnectedness of life's challenges and our spiritual journey.

Closing Thoughts:

This episode of the Real Wealth Podcast, featuring Dr. Roy Smith, offers invaluable insights into the intricate dance of personal and familial growth. As we navigate the challenges of life, embracing our past, fostering empathy, and transforming setbacks into stepping stones, we find ourselves on a transformative journey toward holistic well-being.

Masterclass on Entrepreneurship: Gary Oborny & Nick Flores Reveal Top Business Strategies S2: E2

In the latest episode of the Real Wealth Podcast, seasoned entrepreneurs Gary Oborny and Nick Flores shared inestimable insights into the world of entrepreneurship. From diverse business ventures to engagement with the community, mentorship, and the vital roles of sales and marketing, their conversation provided a masterclass in a viable, long-term success.

Gary’s Entrepreneurial Journey: 

Gary Oborny’s entrepreneurial journey started with a landscape construction business and led to him becoming the founder and president of Occidental Management, owning over thirty companies, and highlights the significance of diversification and expansion in building a successful business.

Nurturing the Local Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Gary is drastically involved actively in initiatives such as the Greater Wichita Partnership and ETV Accelerator underscores the importance of community engagement. Facilitating the local entrepreneurial ecosystem not only benefits the individual entrepreneur but contributes to the overall success of businesses in the local area.

Mentorship and Partnership

A model for effective mentorship and partnership is how Gary and Nick’s relationship is described. Nick’s progress from starting with drone services and leading up to commercial leasing within Occidental Management demonstrates the power of learning from experience to shorten one’s own learning curve.

Sales and Marketing

Nick and Gary’s emphasis on the crucial role of sales and marketing in generating consistent revenue emphasizes a fundamental principle in entrepreneurship. Consistency and effort to fill the sales pipeline are imperative for sustained business growth.

Self-Determination and Empowerment

The unique dynamic between Gary and Nick is characterized by partnership and autonomy rather than the regular boss-employee relationship. This relationship also showcases the importance of empowering team members within the company/organization. This approach fosters a higher performance and a sense of ownership.

Building the future

This episode of Real Wealth underlines the importance of succession planning and leadership development within a business. This ensures a business can outlive its founder, which requires strategic planning and investment in developing new leaders within the organization.

Aligning the team for success

Occidental Management’s approach to incentivizing staff contrasts short-sighted incentive structures through bonus and profit-sharing programs. This enhances performance bus also cultivates a sense of investment in the company’s success overall.

Lifelong Learning

The critical importance of continual learning for entrepreneurs is stressed by both guests on the podcast. This is not just an option; it’s a necessity. This involves asking questions, avid reading, and absorbing advice. The determination to actively expand your knowledge and skills is essential for long-term success in a rapidly evolving business landscape.

Evolving and Pivoting:

Change is constant in the business world. Being able to evolve and pivot while maintaining a strategic focus on your goals is a skill that every entrepreneur must acquire. Adaptability is a key factor in navigating the changing nature of markets and consumer preferences. Entrepreneurs who can balance strategic direction with a willingness to pivot when needed position themselves for continuous success.


The Real Wealth Podcast episode with guests Gary Oborny and Nick Flores offers an extensive guide to entrepreneurship. The conversation provides entrepreneurs with a wealth of insights to proactively grow and manage their ventures successfully. Whether you are just starting or are a seasoned business owner, the key takeaways in this podcast provide a blueprint for entrepreneurial success.